A new fantasy campaign setting by Steven Rasheed James. Find out more at www.samuraisheepdog.com/lands-of-theia.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Brief Update - 24 hours for Surveys
over 4 years ago
– Sat, Aug 15, 2020 at 01:11:31 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.
An Appreciation Post, Book Specs, and Closing Expanded Race/Class Votes Sunday
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Aug 13, 2020 at 08:22:27 PM
To those who have backed the project, and those who are just seeing this for the first time. Thank you for giving us just a little bit of your time and consideration.
I know how hard things are right now everywhere, and I'm experiencing it personally in the US. That you have put your trust in Steven and me means a lot. We are incredibly excited to share his work with you, and I'm just as excited to convert it to 5e and Pathfinder 2nd edition over the next couple of months. There is so much about Theia that we haven't even shared yet, and with 2 weeks left, I wanted to open up questions as sort of an Ask Us Anything.
What do you want to know about this project and the world of Theia?
Anything mechanics-wise you want us to discuss? If it won't let you comment (as you're not currently a backer), you can message me directly and I'll add your question myself along with our answer. You can also interface with us on Facebook or Twitter.
Book specs right now are as follows. We're closing in on about 250 pages, with 3 intro pages (credits, contents, welcome), 3 outro pages (OGL, additional credits, and Special Thanks). Chapter 1 (Ancestries) is clocking in around 20 pages, two-column format with art for each of the races as presented in Theia. Chapter 2 (Classes) is 42 pages with Chapter 3 (Archetypes & Class Options) at 26 pages. In 5e and PF2, these chapters will be somewhat reshuffled, as those editions do not include archetypes in the same way. But the content will still be there. Chapter 4 (Character Options) includes 10-ish pages of additional general feats, multiclassing options, equipment, and other character choices. Chapter 5 (Magic) outlines upward of 10 pages of spells and spell lists where appropriate, including thaumaturge synthesis spells and deity domains. Finally, the 86+ pages in Chapter 6 (The World) provides a detailed history of Theia for games set in different time periods, country information you can use in world or pull out for your own game, Theia's pantheon, and how the planes interact with it. Closing out the chapter is our section on sky racing, where we include the rules on how to run and play a race with players either as participants or helpers.
For those curious about the voting I keep talking about, dworgs are currently in the lead with 29 votes for new race/ancestry options with leporine (rabbitfolk) dropping back to 25 votes (backer decay). For classes, sohei (38 votes) is closing the distance on astrologer (43 votes). We have opted to close both voting sessions on Sunday in order to get started on the content work so we can bring it to you ASAP. We'll open another expanded race vote at 200 backers, and our $11,000 stretch goal will see another new class added. What's great about that is, if everybody following the project right now jumped in at the $20 mark, we would hit that goal with money to spare. Backers can find links to the voting on any recent backer update.
Three Sides to Every Coin
Closing out this post with a look at three of the deity domains we're finishing up that play on the alignments of their followers and enemies.