A new fantasy campaign setting by Steven Rasheed James. Find out more at www.samuraisheepdog.com/lands-of-theia.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
A brief update now, and a larger update next month
about 3 years ago
– Tue, Feb 01, 2022 at 01:26:06 AM
Good afternoon all,
Apologies for the silence on my part this month. Covid ran circles around our household, and my wife is actually still in the hospital working toward not requiring oxygen. As a result, I don't have anything substantial to share for updates to either PF2 or 5e at the moment, but I have made some progress on classes for PF2.
The goal remains to finish PF2 out completely for print before moving on to finish 5e. To that end I will provide another update in February with a look at some of the new classes coming.
Thank you all for your patience. You are greatly appreciated for sticking with me while we get this completed entirely in spite of what's happened in the world these last couple years since the pandemic started. I have every confidence that we'll get it done entirely soon and can all breathe a sigh of relief that this Kickstarter project didn't totally collapse as a result.
- Kevin
Progress - Pathfinder 2e Update Out
over 3 years ago
– Tue, Dec 07, 2021 at 04:58:41 PM
Good morning,
In case you missed it, I sent out the update for Pathfinder 2e before going out of town for our annual holiday party. This update now includes all ancestries and heritages, as well as the astrologer class and some general cleanup of the existing content.
My plan is to finish classes for the next update, then monsters and we're done with PF2. At that point I'll go in and finish 5e while we wait on the proof copy of the PF2 hardcover to get approved.
Half-dwarves (as well as half-elves and half-orcs) are a versatile heritage in Theia.
Depending on their homeland, keratas can be powerful brutes, skull-wearing spiritualists, or gun-toting sharpshooters.
Existing ancestries also receive new options in Theia, and their rarities are changed up. You're more likely to run into an orc than an elf or gnome.
Upcoming Supporting Content
On a related note, we've had some requests for additional Landsof Theia content requests over on our Name's Games Patreon, such as expanded ancestry options. The plan is to collect those into its own little Player's Guide to Theia to help keep content moving for this setting as Steven also gets layout and editing going for the first adventure path, "The Stonehewn Legacy." This will be for Pathfinder 1e to start, and we'll keep our ears to the ground to see if there's enough support for conversions down the line.
As always, thank you very much for following us and backing this project. It's almost complete, and we've loved working with all of you to get there.
- The Samurai Sheepdog team
The PF1 Print Proof Has Arrived and Been Approved
over 3 years ago
– Sat, Nov 06, 2021 at 03:46:00 AM
It's gorgeous! We just sent codes out for print a little bit ago, so keep an eye on your inboxes/account on Drivethru for the link.
I am currently working on finishing all of the classes in PF2 for that update as well.
I have a LOT of images of the book that I shared on imgur. I'll share a couple here, but to save your inbox capacity if you want to see more go check them out.
- Kevin
This thing is huge!
288 pages. It's as big as (slightly larger than) the Monster Manual for D&D 5e.
All of the custom characters turned out wonderful
Print Proof is on its way for PF1, PF 2 moving along, and Drakorin Now Available
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 11:24:26 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.
The Final Update for Pathfinder 1e is Ready
over 3 years ago
– Mon, Sep 27, 2021 at 07:11:17 PM
It's been a year since we ran this project, and we've all been through a lot in that time. Thankfully, I was lucky enough to be able to keep working on it even as we moved to full time work at home and adjusted to the new normal. After several months, we are finally done with the Pathfinder 1e version of Lands of Theia and can put in our print specs for the PoD version of that book. The updated PDF will go out shortly, so keep an eye on your emails.
Here's a list of the changes made in this final update.
Resolved various small edits, such as grammar and spelling. Also cleaned up page references where applicable.
Barrier sentinels are now a little more attack-oriented at 1st-level, trading tactical initiative (+2) for vital reflexes. TI +4 also trades places with opportunist.
Added new favored class bonuses for alkuaine, dragonkin, and tieflings.
The Mercenary jobs muscle and protection now grant additional rounds of their special abilities (rage and barrier focus, respectively).
Theian nobles now have a leadership style they can pick that includes the original steward option plus new choices such as merchant, paragon, sovereign, and warlord.
Added several new noble talents to complement and expand her leadership style.
Added new favored class bonuses for aasimar, atlanteans (BoMT 2018), dragonkin, goblins, ratfolk, tieflings, and vanara.
Added a brief FYI regarding the shizukari's ki frenzy for clarity. Also added new shizukari ki powers; dramatic performer and emperor's guise.
Added tiefling favored class bonus and updated favored class bonuses to better reference Theian races: aasimar (god-blooded), changelings (xendauni), ratfolk (otterlings).
With the announcement of the new Pathfinder 2e classes coming next year, thaumaturge has been renamed the thaumaturgist. This will help with clarity when looking up these classes and avoid any ambiguity.
Added archetypes for the astrologer and shizukari
Added feats for the astrologer and shizukari. Cleaned up the class feats table to better reference what classes get those feats when multiples are available.
Added detect stellar alignment to the spell descriptions.
Finished the monster chapter, adding the full list of class grafts (for simple monster creation), monsters by CR, and monsters by region & terrain.
Added cuca, deerlings, all kyver dragons, evil eyes, hachishaku-sama, jackalopes (including dire and wolpertinger), mary lwyds, mula sem cabecas, nopperabbos, olitiau, orishas, saci, slide rock bolters, strigoi (including a simple monster creation template graft), teke teke, todomeki, and tokoloshes.
Some highlights from the finished monster section.
Deerlings protect love in its many forms by playing pranks on those who would dismiss it.
Monsters like the mari lwyd have a presence in Theia thanks to its ties to the shattered worlds. How they get there and what their effect on the world is are unique to each.
Some monsters in Theia, like the slide rock bolter pictured here, are so large that not even our page borders can contain them.
So, with that out of the way, what's next?
As soon as I get approval for the PoD PF1 book, I will send out the relevant codes to all of you who have been waiting so patiently (Thank you!)
I will continue to work on the PF2 version next, with an eye toward having it done before the end of the year.
Once PF2 is ready and on its way for print specs, I will push to finish the 5e version as well, which should conclude all primary work on this setting.
I have a few small things to complete, such as a PlayMangad20 version of the classes for a couple backers who joined us as fans of that particular book. I will likewise make that available to everybody else here at a discount.
I want to put together a small "Monsters of Theia" supplement that will lay out the remaining dragon categories not presented in the main book and provide monster trainer information for everything.
Steven and I have greatly appreciated your dedication to making Lands of Theia happen. I know he has some more great things planned that we'll get published once they're ready, including the first of his adventure paths set in Inframundo, "The Stonehewn Legacy." We got to playtest it recently, and I think you're going to love how it delves into Theia's underground region, it's people, and the mysteries hidden in the west.