A new fantasy campaign setting by Steven Rasheed James. Find out more at www.samuraisheepdog.com/lands-of-theia.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Lands of Theia 5e Print Codes Sent - Pathfinder 2e Coming Next
6 months ago
– Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 02:58:02 PM
We have officially ordered and received our print proof for Lands of Theia 5e, and codes have been sent to our amazing backers (YOU!) who wanted that version of the book.
I said this in the email, but thank you so much all of you for your patience as we pushed through the pandemic to finally get this done. We genuinely couldn't have done it without each of you.
For the Pathfinder 2e players out there, your book is coming up next. I'm currently on page 346 out of 385 of the final update for print and I only paused to post this here.
Print (5e) and PDF (PF2) image montage incoming :D For anybody checking out these products for the first time while browsing Kickstarter, you can find each of them here:
PF1 Adventure, Major 5e update and Printer Friendly 5e sent to Print Backers
about 1 year ago
– Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 08:20:13 AM
Good morning Everybody,
As promised in our last update, we have been hard at work finishing the last bits of setup on each of the PF2 and 5e versions of Lands of Theia. To that end, we just pushed a major update to the 5e version. Here's a summary of the new content.
Update 3-9-2024
Added almost 50 pages of content, including:
the marshal, mercenary, thaumaturgist, and zealot classes
multiclassing information for each class, as well as variant multiclassing options for all classes.
New Backgrounds (sheriff and sky racing student)
6 new weapons: the buugeng, dire chakram, poi, razor wire, sandthumper, and shield blade
deity domains for all 12 Theian deities
sound domain
a spell list for the zealot
18 spells new to 5e
synthesis spells for thaumaturgists
Cleaned up the Pantheon to include accurate domains and information for each deity.
5e Printer-Friendly version
we just sent out codes for backers of the 5e print version to get their printer friendly version of the book while we wrap up the last few monsters and send out for a print proof.
For Pathfinder 2e, we're going to wait for the player core 2 to release so we can finish updates and get the whole book set up under ORC. That way we can continue to support it going forward with that license. I'll be sure to update again once that's ready, and the printer-friendly version of that edition is also available to anybody who wants that ready and usable in a more immediate timeframe.
Apologies again for the delays as they happened, and thank you so much for your patience as everything was happening. I've definitely learned a lot from this project that I can apply in the future regarding scope creep and emergency-management in the event of another global catastrophe.
I'll check in again with another update once we receive print proofs that we have images to share. And of course, you can also find updates as we push them on Blue Sky and Facebook.
The Stonehewn Legacy Pathfinder 1e
Last year, we started releasing the PF1 version of Steven's first adventure path, The Stonehewn Legacy, which takes players through Theia's underground region of Inframundo as they investigate rumors of another area that has opened up to the west. Books 1 through 3 are available now, and book 4 is on its way. Steven even has a Patreon you can join to help him get art in exchange for early release and special backer benefits.
Help Steven finish the adventure path sooner by joining him on Patreon.
- The Samurai Sheepdog Team
Where We Are, Where We're Going, and How We Get There
over 1 year ago
– Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 12:59:04 AM
Hey everybody,
I wanted to share this Patreon update I made with each of you as well because it addresses my plans to finally get everybody's levels out to you. I have bolded the parts directly related to this project so you can gloss over the rest if you're so inclined.
------Patreon Post------
I just sent out our next request for this month to $5 and up backers, and with it out, I wanted to provide a few updates with how everything has gone these last two months and into December 2023.
As you can tell, it's been harder for me to keep up with the larger batch of communications these last 2 months. This is in no small part due to compounding projects at my 8-5 and illness in the family that has taken up almost all of the additional time I usually spend working on patreon requests. I have eeked out time to finish most of what has been requested, but it's been in the form of individual releases rather than the customary compilations I've put out since 2019.
That is to say, I'm still releasing 12+ pages of content in a month to meet my self-imposed Patreon requirements, but the format of those releases has evolved into soluble content that stands on its own vs. collections of disparate requests/previews.
It also means that I've had less than 0 opportunity to work on projects that I have had open now since pre-covid. Three years of strain in that department have finally started to show the cracks in my progress, and it upsets me that I've let it go so long, despite everything else I have accomplished in the meantime.
So what does that all mean?
First, while I continue to assist my family with recovering from their own bouts with COVID, the pace at which I finish requests for content has to slow down so that I don't lose quality by failing to playtest/put my best effort into them. We're taught in business that you can have 2 of 3; speed, quality, and value. In this case, value can't change because I don't earn enough to make this my day-to-day work, and I refuse to sacrifice the quality I expect and I know all of you appreciate. The requests (all of them, paid up front and put through with credit) will be done as my top priority currently, but I won't have them all today, and unless I find more time to take off work before the new year (90% chance not), I will likely not be finished with them before January, but they will be done with all the time I can make to do so.
Second, once my paid requests are caught up, my focus has to go to keeping them going into the new year, and any additional time I have will then have to go toward finishing (first and foremost) the Lands of Theia project so I can finally provide print codes to everybody for PF2 and 5e. For a long time, I have focused on getting these PDFs done for backers at that level, but there are backers who didn't want PDFs and so haven't likely even seen some of that content in 3+ years. I owe it to them to get their products out the door at last.
Finally, I'm removing the $2 tier as it currently exists and adjusting the $5 and up tiers to reflect the evolved format of my releases. I may go back to monthly compilations once I'm caught back up on everything else, but for now the Goals are going to be 12+ pages of content spread between releases shared through Drivethru RPG which include the s-class character options and other products that requests have started to transform into rather than being small one-offs without a dedicated place of their own.
What now?
Now comes my request of you, my wonderful, wonderful backers, both new this year and who have been here since 2019. As hard as I know it can be to trust what amounts to a random person online, I ask that you give me a little and stick around, knowing that I will give my all to get everything back on track. I love this Patreon, and I'm so glad it's gone on for almost 5 years now. I look forward to seeing it continue to grow and evolve over the next 5, 10, and so on years. This is just a rough patch, and I'll be sure to keep you up on my progress as I work through it.
Of course, for the other 10+ other backers not currently at a paid level, any little bit will help continue to fund art, promotion, and the other things I need to keep going. I have no intention of stopping my release schedule as a whole (as stated above), so you can still look forward to content in the coming months, and I'd really appreciate raising the total earned back above $150 again so I can do so.
Anyway, wall of text aside, thank you as always for continuing to support my projects. We still have a bright future ahead of us. I hope we can get through this tunnel together and see it through to the other side.
Pathfinder 2e Closing in on Finished - Print Friendly Version Now Available
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Aug 20, 2022 at 05:51:19 PM
We are at 313 pages and counting with the Pathfinder 2e version of LandsofTheia, and we have officially cleaned up and added everything player-related. I'm now working on adding monsters and getting the final formatting complete for print.
Speaking of...
To help out with the group of you still waiting for print copies of your PF2 version, as well as aid each of you who may finally be getting back to playing live at tables, I have added a printer-friendly version of the book. You would have gotten a download link a little earlier in your email, but don't hesitate to reach out if you need me to resend it. This should help bridge the gap between now and the final print release.
I will be adding the same for Pathfinder 1e and D&D 5e shortly as well to accommodate everybody.
And as always, I wanted to close out with a few looks at the new content added this go-around.